Garrison Keillor
Garrison gets our special nod for his efforts to find humor with the bassoon. He’s rumored to be a bassoonist himself, but maybe he’s just a closet bassoonist. He’s done several radio shows featuring the bassoon and his Lutheran’s Guide to the Orchestra is performed around the country with Symphony Orchestra. Bravo, Garrison! P.S. Garrison’s sister is MARRIED to a bassoonist.
If you missed the funny story about a bassoonist on Prairie Home Companion: Click to listen
Go to the above page and click on April 19. Then click on 35:52 Bassoon Orchestra script. You can listen to the show on this archive too. Bassoonists include John Miller and the Minnesota Orchestra bassoon section.
Here’s an extensive catalog of interviews and stories about bassoons from NPR: NPR Stories, All Things Considered.